Friday, April 6, 2012


Here is the sixth, and final (Woo-Hoo!!) addition to my World's Greatest Golden Age Heroes collection, Captain Midnight! Cap features a cowl and goggles sculpted onto a vintage Kirk head by yours truly, a Doc Mego bodysuit I modified, a belt made of electrical tape with and buckle made of an adhesive metallic paper i picked up at Michaels, CTVT boots, all featured on a Doc Mego body with painted hands, and a sesame seed bun . The chest emblem was modified a touch, but I'm really happy with the way it came out, props to Jim, AKA actjac01 over at the Mego Museum, for bringing my emblem to life on some high quality sticker paper. You rule Man Thanks for looking, I hope you enjoy!

PS-A pic of the entire World's Greatest Golden Age Heroes collection coming soon..... __________________

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